Rest is a vital part of reconnecting with ourselves, recovering, giving ourselves space to process and prepare for what it to come. But modern Western society is set up almost in direction opposition to that. Capitalism favors busyness, productivity, long hours, maximising every drop of profit. Add to that our deepening dependence on screens and the blurring of work/life during the past year, and rest seems like an alien concept for many of us.
As things start to open up many us are feeling apathetic and flat - something identified as ‘languishing’ by Adam Grantin this fascinating NYT piece. Psychologist Susan Balan suggests we should sit with these feelings, (citing the psychoanalyst Masud Raza Khan), explaining that the lack of purpose and direction are the necessary “fallow space” interval we need to rest within ourselves, particularly after this long trauma we have all experienced, before “we plow, seed and harvest new crops in our lives.”
In Epsiode 5 of Optimist in Progress Dr Drea and Tom explored the concept of rest as an active choice - and how it can be considered a radical act in itself.
Why not lie down, put your feet up and have a listen right now?