What’s coming up in the OIP 21 Day Reconnect + Refresh

What’s coming up in the OIP 21 Day Reconnect + Refresh

What’s coming up in the OIP 21 Day Reconnect + Refresh

Dr Drea Letamendi, Clinical Psychologist + Co-host of the Optimist In Progress podcast

Week 1  Connecting with yourself

Intro | Meditation | Rethinking routines | Movement| Shifting energy | Poetry | Rest + Reflect

Week 2  Connecting with your people + your space

Eye-gazing | Listening | Rethinking routine | In your space | Music | Feasting | Walking Meditation

Week 3  Connecting with the world - the environment + the community

Eco-therapy | Gardening + rewilding | Tai Chi | Nurturing the Planet | Nurturing your community | Moving with the world | Rethinking routines