Day 9 ↥ Seeking authenticity | Connecting with people + place

It sounds a little like therapy-speak, but finding your authentic self, living authentically is just another way to say we’re ‘keeping it real’. Authenticity has always been highly valued in our societies, particularly for artists and creatives, but what about the rest of us? How do we live an authentic life, and make sure our actions are closely aligned with our values and personal beliefs. As Drea and Tom discuss on the OIP podcast, nobody wants to be called a faker, and the the mental distress that is caused by having to pretend, or fit in to society’s rigid expectations is real. Gandhi and Jung has plenty to say on this, and it was one of Shakespeare’s recurring themes. In the words of Polonius to his son, Laertes: “This above all else - to thine ownself be true.”
Time to peel those metaphorical masks off, and create a space for others to do the same.
LIsten to Optimist in Progress conversation on ‘Authenticity’ to hear how to work out who we truly are, what we truly value (spoiler alert - it can evolve and change, so good to keep checking in with yourself).